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Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred

Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred

Making Contact’s Community Storytelling Fellow Vincent Medina is a Chochenyo Ohlone Native American who is a part of a young generation working to revitalize the Chochenyo language for future generations.  Making Contact’s Community Storytelling Fellow Isabella Zizi is a young native-american environmentalist shaped by the 2012 Chevron Refinery Explosion and by her indigenous women elders in the Refinery Corridor...

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Walk the Talk: Stories of Indigenous-led Resistance to Oil and Waste

Walk the Talk: Stories of Indigenous-led Resistance to Oil and Waste

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll meet people challenging polluters in their own backyard. Not to push hazardous industries into another neighborhood. Instead they’re developing visionary solutions for a better life for all and for the future of the planet. From urban to rural communities, we’ll learn about indigenous-led efforts to protect public health and the environment for future generations. We’ll meet Community...

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The Aftermath of Ghost Ship and the San Pablo Fires

The Aftermath of Ghost Ship and the San Pablo Fires

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll explore the aftermath of the Ghost Ship fire and the battle to preserve live/work spaces, and then we look at the San Pablo fire in Oakland California that displaced at least a hundred residents…many of whom are now living on the streets in tent encampments. Special Thanks to KALW and Jeremy Dalmas. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit...

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Sacrifice Zones Pt. 2

Sacrifice Zones Pt. 2

Since 2003 a rash of proposals have surfaced in communities throughout the Northwest to export vast amounts of fossil fuels to Asian markets via Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. If these plans go through the Northwest would become home to the largest oil terminal in North America, the largest coal export facility in North America, and the largest methanol refinery in the world. This week we present Part Two of Sacrifice Zones...

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Sacrifice Zones Pt. 1

Sacrifice Zones Pt. 1

Since 2003 a rash of proposals have surfaced in communities throughout the Northwest to export vast amounts of fossil fuels to Asian markets via Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. If these plans go through the Northwest would become home to the largest oil terminal in North America, the largest coal export facility in North America, and the largest methanol refinery in the world. As the fossil fuel industry turns up its...

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Women Rising Radio 33: With Healers At Standing Rock

Women Rising Radio 33: With Healers At Standing Rock

Dr. Rupa Marya is a physician on the faculty of UCSF, and an activist who formed the Do No Harm Coalition at UCSF. Dr. Maria Michael is a Lakota Dine spiritual elder and healer with a Ph.d in psychology. Dr. Revery Barnes is a physician working on HIV/AIDS at Harbor UCLA in Los Angeles. All three women went to Standing Rock, to stand with the great Sioux nation in its struggle for sovereignty over its ancestral lands and water. The...

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