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In the Shadow of the Volcano: Guatemala’s Unequal Disaster

In the Shadow of the Volcano: Guatemala’s Unequal Disaster

Fuego Volcano-Guatemala The Central American region and especially, the country of Guatemala, is vulnerable to numerous natural disasters – earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, droughts and … volcanoes. Thousands of Guatemalans are still recovering from the effects of the eruption of a volcano called Fuego – Spanish for “fire” – which took place in the summer of 2018. In this report, Maria Martin,...

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The Response: Uneven Burns

The Response: Uneven Burns

Undocumented Amidst Fire Disasters On this episode, we look at the 2017 Tubbs Fire in California, and how it impacted the undocumented community. In the face of ICE raids, labor violations, a housing crisis, and wildfires, the broader community is standing in solidarity with those who are forced into the shadows. California’s drought has led to an unprecedented number of wildfires that burn hotter, faster, and ever more acreage....

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Climate Uprising: Indigenous Women at the Global Climate Action Summit

Climate Uprising: Indigenous Women at the Global Climate Action Summit

Indigenous Women Speak Their Truth On The Climate Crisis The climate emergency on Earth has become critical.  So when California Governor Jerry Brown called for a Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, Sept, 12-14 2018, people took to the streets to let the governor and attendees at the summit know they don’t want inadequate or false climate solutions, including cap and trade. Women, including frontline and Indigenous women...

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The Response: Restoring Power in Puerto Rico

The Response: Restoring Power in Puerto Rico

Defend Puerto Rico This week, we shine a spotlight on Puerto Rico— an island that’s struggled through political storms under colonizing forces, and storms that were quite literal and just as devastating. In September of 2017, Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico causing thousands of deaths and knocking out power for nearly a year. Many consider it to be the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. Further, the devastation...

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Fossil Refusal: Local Models Not Global Markets

Fossil Refusal: Local Models Not Global Markets

Despite the difficult picture painted by the news, there is hope for our planet. On this episode of Making Contact, we look at the ways people have already been organizing and what sort of new energy solutions exist for the future. We hear about two grassroots fights against the fossil fuel industry – one in Tacoma, Washington, where residents are fighting a natural gas facility called LNG, the other in Rodeo, California where...

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The Response: Occupy Sandy

The Response: Occupy Sandy

Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks!  This week, we explore the remarkable communities that arise in the aftermath of natural disasters; namely, Hurricane Sandy, and its impact on the Rockaway Peninsula. It’s a story about unlikely friendships, radical recovery efforts, and disaster collectivism. The Response documentary podcast series is...

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