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The Deep: Rising Sea Levels and Corporate Control of Water

The Deep: Rising Sea Levels and Corporate Control of Water

Making Contact · The Deep: Rising Sea Levels and Corporate Control of Water   On this episode of Making Contact, we look at the privatization of our earth’s most precious resource – water.  People around the world have been organizing against this privatization in the face of climate change and rising sea levels that threaten to contaminate our limited drinking water supplies. Come along to South Florida...

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COVID-19 and Lessons from the Spanish Flu

COVID-19 and Lessons from the Spanish Flu

COVID-19 and Lessons from the Spanish Flu In 1918, humanity faced a deadly global pandemic– the Spanish Flu. The CDC estimates that the disease killed at least 50 million people and infected a third of the world population. Today, hand-washing and physical distancing are a part of daily life, as are grim tallies of the sick and the dead. Even though science has made tremendous advances since then, our methods for slowing the...

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Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Who Bombed Judi Bari? As threats to the environment persist across the world, laws and police practices continue to protect corporate interests – taking aim at front line activists who defend the land and natural resources.  This strategy of criminalizing dissent took an ugly turn in 1990, in Oakland, California, when environmental activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were car bombed. Despite receiving death threats, the pair was...

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The Response: Reimagining Paradise in an Age of Disruption

The Response: Reimagining Paradise in an Age of Disruption

The Response: Reimagining Paradise in an Age of Disruption This week on Making Contact, we bring you a story about resilience and rebuilding after a megafire decimated parts of Northern California. This is episode six of The Response: Reimagining Paradise in an Age of Disruption. Like this program? Please show us the love. Click here and support our non-profit journalism. Thanks! Image Credit: Kayne Lynch Featuring Allen Myers:...

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The Utopian Dinner Table: How to Feed the World in 100 Years

The Utopian Dinner Table: How to Feed the World in 100 Years

The Utopian Dinner Table: How to Feed the World in 100 Years Nearly 10 percent of people are food insecure, meaning they don’t have reliable access to affordable, nutritious food. And in 50 years, the world population will likely peak, but the demand for food will nearly double. How will we accommodate the demand? This episode explores possible solutions to working around the industrial food system, from cultivating urban...

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Pollution Solutions

Pollution Solutions

Pollution Solutions Megafarms and oil & gas producers in California’s Central Valley are some of the worst polluters of local air, soil, and water. We’ll hear how Central Valley residents are pushing back. Later, author Naomi Klein talks about her book, On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal. But first, we go to Pine Ridge, South Dakota, where we learn how six Native American tribes are harnessing wind power to...

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