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Legacies of War

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll take a look at the Legacies of War – the aftermath of military conflicts, which take a toll on people worldwide.


Chemical Soup: Pollutants in the Body

On this edition, we’ll take a look at these everyday chemicals in our air, water, dust, and food coming from everyday products like detergents, cookware, and cosmetics and how they’re being regulated.


Empty Promises? NAFTA at 10

On this edition of Making Contact, we hear from people who are working on the front lines of so-called free trade-farmers and a fisherman-and get their perspectives on corporate-led economic globalization.


ElectionWatch ’04 The Texas Two-Step: Bush, Corporate Cash, and Environmental Rollbacks

On this edition of Making Contact – the second of our monthly ElectionWatch ’04 series- we take a look at how the oil, gas, mining and electric utilities industries have influenced the Bush Administration’s environmental policies and the impact on communities located near industrial facilities.


The Intimate Ecology of Motherhood

On this Women’s Desk edition of Making Contact, we’ll hear Steingraber’s speech at the Women’s Environmental Health and Justice Bay Area Summit in San Francisco in October of 2003.


Trouble at Sea: The State of the World’s Oceans

On this edition of Making Contact, we’ll take a look at the over-all health of the ocean today, along with a close-up of the impact of cruise ships and shrimp farming.
