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Land for Those Who Work It

On this edition Associate Producer Pauline Bartolone guides us through the daily lives of those seeking agrarian reform in southern Brazil.


Who Owns Our Water? Profits vs. Public Interest

On this edition, we’ll take a look at water as a basic human right. We’ll hear about a plan to privatize water services in Lagos, Nigeria, and we’ll hear about how activists in Maui, Hawaii are working to recover the island’s water sources for public use.


The Chemical Industry’s Toxic Toll

On this edition, we’ll look at the 20th anniversary of one of the world’s worst chemical disasters, at the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India, where we’ll hear about Occidental Petroleum’s toxic legacy at Love Canal and examine how corporate polluters are ignoring environmental causes of breast cancer.


From Cradle to Grave: The Impact of Electronics

On this week’s edition we take a closer look at what our gadgets are doing to our environment.


Refugees of Development: India and Multinationals

On this edition, we take a close-up look at a small town in Southern India and their struggle against Coca Cola, as well as hear from an Indian journalist and activist Nityanand Jayaraman, who has been following the impact of multi-national corporations in India.


Patagonian Winds of Resistance

On this edition of Making Contact Pauline Bartolone traveled to the small town of Esquel in Southern Argentina, where the residents successfully halted the gold mining venture as part of a larger movement of social transformation in Argentina.
