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Chevron In Richmond

Over the past decade, the city and residents of Richmond have forced the Chevron to curb its environmental impact.


Challenging Chevron in Nigeria

Freelance Producer Lynn Feinerman has more about the oil business in Nigeria, and about citizen efforts to hold companies accountable in the courtroom.


The Price of Nature: Buying Our Way Out of Climate Chaos?

At the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, discussion centered on market-based solutions. On this edition, experts engage in a roundtable discussion about alternative ways to both understand and solve the climate crisis.


Whose Water? The Struggle for Public Ownership of Freshwater

We go to Michigan, where from the city of Detroit, to the farmlands and countryside, citizens are battling to gain greater control over the bounty of the great lakes.


Beyond BP: A Future Without Oil

We go to the gulf coast to hear why, despite the dangerous and deadly consequences, locals aren’t ready to turn their backs on the oil industry.  What does that mean for the rest of us, as we pursue a future free of fossil fuels?


Dry Farming–a Technique for a Water Scarce Future

The availability of water is a growing issue in California. And a handful of farmers are finding new ways to make every last drop count. “Making Contact” correspondent Joaquin Palomino visited the nearby Central Coast growing region.
