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Climate Change Gridlock: Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 1)

Global warming is no longer a fear for the future. It’s threatening human civilization, now. Part 1 of a special 2 part series produced by Brian Edwards Tiekert…on climate change that is happening, the political response that isn’t, and the people trying to break the gridlock.


Still ‘Fracking’:
The Perils of Natural Gas Drilling

We’ll hear excerpts from the movie “Gasland,” and from people who are trying to prevent the toxic fallout from ‘fracking’ before it starts.


A Second Wind: Elders Act for Justice

Many retirees enjoy the rest and relaxation that eluded them during their working years. But for some, retirement means opportunities to create change in their communities. We profile three elders who became activists in the second half of their lives.


Changing the Climate on Climate Change

With the UN’s climate negotiations faltering, indigenous and other grassroots community groups are re-strategizing. We’ll hear voices from the streets of Cancun and look at where the world might turn for answers to catastrophic climate change.


The Toxic Truth About Nail Salons

We take a look at the health impacts of chemical exposure, the shoddy regulation of cosmetics, and the movement towards greener nail salons.


Standing Up to Big Oil

From courtroom battles to government regulation, we take a look at how citizen groups around the world are holding oil companies accountable for environmental contamination and human rights abuses.
