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Embracing the Elements: Curanderismo

Natural healing can take many forms.  These days, the Latin American “curandera” is re-emerging in the US, after generations of going underground. On this edition, producer Erica Hellerstein takes us on a journey to identity through an ancient medicinal practice. Featuring:    Lauren Villa, UC Berkeley Graduate Student Atava Swiecicki Garcia Healer Sandra Pacheco, Healer and Professor of Chicana Latina Indigenous Studies...

Check out Lateef McLeod’s poem: “I am alright.”

Check out Lateef McLeod’s poem: “I am alright.”

This video illustrates how I communicate proficiently and effectively with an A.A.C. device. In the content of the poem “I am Alright” I also clearly define what I am capable of. This capacity that people who use A.A.C. have to lead full and productive lives is one of the main themes of my Making Contact radio segment in September. Here is a video of me reciting a poem on my...

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All Around Cowboy: Inside the world of queer rodeo

Rodeo is a part of life for many Americans. But if you’re an LGBTQ rodeo fan participating in the sport you love can mean hiding part of who you are to fit in. But a tight knit group of queer cowboys has found a way to live the country and Western lifestyle in their own way.  You don’t often hear the words “gay” and “rodeo” together. On this edition Producer Vanessa Rancaño brings us one bull rider’s story. Featuring:    Jason Strand,...

Songs in the Key of Choice: Pop Music and Reproductive Justice

Songs in the Key of Choice: Pop Music and Reproductive Justice

This story is part of a joint reporting project on reproductive rights in pop culture that includes Bitch Media, Feministing, and Making Contact. This work is part of a Media Consortium collaboration made possible in part by a grant from the Voqal Fund. {Special 11 min. piece, not whole radio program} One in three women will have an abortion in her lifetime, yet in pop culture accurate portrayals of real people’s stories are...

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Rad Dads!!!

Fathers…and mothers…on fatherhood and how it’s changing. Traditional ideas about what a dad is supposed to be are slowly disappearing, but what will take their place?


GOALLLL! The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Side of the Beautiful Game

As Brazil prepares to host the 2014 soccer World Cup many are questioning the economic, environmental, and social cost of this sporting mega-event. From soccer ball manufacturing in Pakistan, to forced evictions in Brazil to make way for World Cup infrastructure, who wins, when the World Cup comes to town? On this edition of Making Contact, we take a closer look at the good, the bad, and the ugly side of the “beautiful game.”...
