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Loretta Ross on Trust Black Women and the fight for Reproductive Justice

Loretta Ross on Trust Black Women and the fight for Reproductive Justice

When such a racialized strategy is used to weaken the prochoice movement, as an African American women I felt the best people to respond would be the black women who were under attack. For over 20 years Loretta J. Ross has been fighting for the rights of women of color. As a co-founder of SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective she organized women of color in the reproductive justice movement and was one of the...

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What can Nick Cannon and Nicki Minaj teach us about abortion?

What can Nick Cannon and Nicki Minaj teach us about abortion?

  One in three women will have an abortion in her lifetime, yet in pop culture accurate portrayals of real people’s stories are rare. In this special interview, two reproductive justice advocates listen and discuss two songs: Nick Cannon’s ‘Can I Live?’ and Nicki Minaj’s ‘Autobiography’, and ask: what messages are pop songs sending about reproductive health issues? Featuring: Alicia...

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Investigating #Reprorights in Mexico

Investigating #Reprorights in Mexico

In March 2015, I traveled to Mexico to continue my reporting on reproductive justice issues that I began with Making Contact in 2014. Before heading to the Yucatan, I met with Project Luz students from Nezahualcoyotl. Karen, one of my former photojournalism and radio reporting students was able to collaborate with me as I traveled through three communities in the Yucatan. Here are some photos from the trip and look for the show to air...

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Coffee: Trouble Brewing? (see list for free coffee below)

Coffee: Trouble Brewing? (see list for free coffee below)

It’s the second most-traded commodity in the world after oil but how much do you think about your cup of coffee? From coffee farmers in Colombia to the trash produced by your single-cup coffee machine, Making Contact and Green Grid Radio team up to count the costs of your morning cup o’joe. Featuring: Jairo Martinez, Mariana Cruz, Suzana Angarita, coffee farmers Jeff Goldman, former executive director Fairtrade Resource Network Jeff...

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Squatters: Intruders or Innovators?

Squatters: Intruders or Innovators?

Click to Download Robert Neuwirth, author of “Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World”, estimates that more than a billion people–thats 1 in 7–are squatters.  This week, we visit squats in Venezuela and the Philippines, and find out why squatters aren’t just tolerated…they are crucial to the growth of major cities and national economies. Featuring: Robert Neuwirth, author of “Shadow...

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Making Contact’s Diverse #PubRadioVoice Playlist

Making Contact’s Diverse #PubRadioVoice Playlist

Last week an article by aspiring radio journalist and professor Chenjerai Kumanyika, brought the question of diversity in public radio to light and using the hashtag #PubRadioVoice, journalists, activists and community members weighed in and offered ways to increase diversity on the airwaves. For the last 20 years Making Contact has worked hard to build a more diverse public radio community and provide a platform for some of our most...

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