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Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm (Encore)

Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm (Encore)

Making Contact · Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm (Encore)   Three years after Hurricane Maria hit, Puerto Ricans are still reeling from its effects and aftereffects. We bring you a Haymarket Books talk by Marisol LeBrón, Yarimar Bonilla, and Molly Crabapple, on a collection of essays called “Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm” which discusses the legacy of Maria, and...

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Self Evident: Hate Goes Viral

Self Evident: Hate Goes Viral

Making Contact · Self Evident: Hate Goes Viral   We take a look at the ongoing rise in hate incidents against Asians in the U.S., a long-running history of anti-Asian racism, and a new push by Asian Americans — especially in underserved communities — to expose and overcome this ugly side of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this episode (the first of a three-part series by Self Evident), we hear the stories of these two Asian Americans...

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The Many Faces of Justice: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of North America

The Many Faces of Justice: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of North America

Making Contact · The Many Faces of Justice: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of North America   As reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act awaits a vote in the U.S. Senate, missing and murdered indigenous women and girls continue to face an unequal system of justice. In this show we’ll hear from indigenous women scholars and activists on what justice means for MMIWG2. Image Credit: Photo by Dulcey...

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Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia 

Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia 

Making Contact · Geraldine’s Story: How Public Schools Are Failing Black Students with Dyslexia Black students with dyslexia all too often carry a heavy burden in our public schools. This documentary centers around a grandmother who fought for years to get her grandkids — particularly her grandson — properly assessed for dyslexia. Like too many African American boys, Geraldine Robinson’s grandson had been erroneously labeled...

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Canada’s Slavery Secret

Canada’s Slavery Secret

Making Contact · Canada’s Slavery Secret   Today we’ll take a look at Canada and its history of Black enslavement. Canada, our northern neighbor, is rarely mentioned when we talk about the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In fact, we often equate Canada with being the safe space where Blacks escaped US slavery – the final stop on the underground railroad, so to speak. But Canada indeed has its own history of slavery...

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One Long Night: Andrea Pitzer on the Global History of Concentration Camps

One Long Night: Andrea Pitzer on the Global History of Concentration Camps

Making Contact · One Long Night: Andrea Pitzer on the Global History of Concentration Camps Today we use a lot of euphemisms: re-education camps, internment, work camps, prison camps, camps for internally displaced people. But before World War I, these prisons were known simply as concentration camps and they started in Cuba in the 1890s to control an uprising against the Spanish colonizers. Since then, concentration camps have...

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