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70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix

70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix

Making Contact · 70 Million: How the Asylum Process Became Another Carceral Matrix   The Trump administration has issued numerous policies to systematically dismantle asylum as a legal right. They’re also locking up asylum seekers for months or years, until they either win their case, are returned to their home countries, or self deport. Reporters Valeria Fernández and Jude Joffe-Block follow two asylum seekers as they...

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The Deep: Rising Sea Levels and Corporate Control of Water (Encore)

The Deep: Rising Sea Levels and Corporate Control of Water (Encore)

Making Contact · The Deep: Rising Sea Levels and Corporate Control of Water (Encore)   On this episode of Making Contact, we look at the privatization of our earth’s most precious resource – water. People around the world have been organizing against this privatization in the face of climate change and rising sea levels that threaten to contaminate our limited drinking water supplies. Like this program? Please click here and...

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Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm

Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm

Making Contact · Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm     Three years after Hurricane Maria hit, Puerto Ricans are still reeling from its effects and aftereffects. We bring you a Haymarket Books talk by Marisol LeBrón, Yarimar Bonilla, and Molly Crabapple, on a collection of essays called “Aftershocks of Disaster: Puerto Rico Before and After the Storm” which discusses the legacy of Maria, and also...

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On the Brink: Homelessness before and during COVID-19 (Encore)

On the Brink: Homelessness before and during COVID-19 (Encore)

Making Contact · On the Brink: Homelessness before and during COVID-19 (Encore) When the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. many of us were told to “shelter in place” in order to minimize the spread of disease. But, for a lot of people who are forced to live on the street, it’s not possible to just close the door and retreat into safety. Today’s show is about homelessness. We start by following two women as they undergo several...

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Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred  (Encore)

Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred  (Encore)

Making Contact · Language Is Life, Land Is Sacred – Encore Making Contact’s Community Storytelling Fellow Vincent Medina is a Chochenyo Ohlone Native-American who is a part of a young generation working to revitalize the Chochenyo language for future generations. Making Contact’s Community Storytelling Fellow Isabella Zizi is a young Native-American environmentalist shaped by the 2012 Chevron Refinery Explosion and...

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#SayHerName: Black Women, Police Violence, and Abolition

#SayHerName: Black Women, Police Violence, and Abolition

Making Contact · #SayHerName: Black Women, Police Violence, and Abolition   It’s been six years since #SayHerName, the movement to draw greater awareness and action around Black female victims of police and state violence, was created by the African American Policy Forum. Today, the deaths of Black women and girls at the hands of law enforcement still don’t generate the same vocal concern and outrage as that of Black...

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