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Self Evident: Hate Goes Viral

Self Evident: Hate Goes Viral

Making Contact · Self Evident: Hate Goes Viral   We take a look at the ongoing rise in hate incidents against Asians in the U.S., a long-running history of anti-Asian racism, and a new push by Asian Americans — especially in underserved communities — to expose and overcome this ugly side of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this episode (the first of a three-part series by Self Evident), we hear the stories of these two Asian Americans...

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The Many Faces of Justice: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of North America

The Many Faces of Justice: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of North America

Making Contact · The Many Faces of Justice: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls of North America   As reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act awaits a vote in the U.S. Senate, missing and murdered indigenous women and girls continue to face an unequal system of justice. In this show we’ll hear from indigenous women scholars and activists on what justice means for MMIWG2. Image Credit: Photo by Dulcey...

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Women Rising Radio: Election Protection and Democracy Part Two

Women Rising Radio: Election Protection and Democracy Part Two

Making Contact · Women Rising Radio: Election Protection and Democracy Part Two   Election protection is increasingly seen as a critical issue in the United States, a nation that travels worldwide to “supervise” other nations’ elections. Since the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court, there’ve been major problems with voter purging, voter ID laws, poll taxes or policies that make people pay to vote, closing of...

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Part 2 of The Pandemic Inside: COVID-19 and Prisons

Part 2 of The Pandemic Inside: COVID-19 and Prisons

Making Contact · Part 2 of The Pandemic Inside: Covid-19 and Prisons   In a two-part series, we look at how COVID-19 has torn through prisons and how organizers are trying to push state and local governments to release inmates in order to contain the spread of the pandemic. For Part 2, we talk about why vaccines aren’t an effective solution to ending COVID in prisons, and we also look at how re-entry has become harder during the...

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Part 1 of The Pandemic Inside: COVID-19 and Prisons

Part 1 of The Pandemic Inside: COVID-19 and Prisons

Making Contact · Part 1 of The Pandemic Inside: Covid 19 and Prisons   In a two-part series, we look at how COVID-19 has torn through prisons and how organizers are trying to push state and local governments to release people in prison in order to contain the spread of the pandemic. In part one, we focus on California. We take a look at why a prison, like San Quentin, is such a perfect environment for infectious diseases,...

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Activism and The Fight for Black Trans Lives (Encore)

Activism and The Fight for Black Trans Lives (Encore)

Making Contact · Activism and The Fight for Black Trans Lives (Encore)   On this episode of Making Contact, we will look at transgender activism and the call for inclusion and intersectionality in the movement for Black lives. We’ll also meet Trans activists in Louisiana who have been organizing against a state law that has been used to unfairly target trans women for decades. Like this program? Please click here and...

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