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Juristac and the Amah Mutsun: Indigenous Resistance and Regeneration (Encore)

Juristac and the Amah Mutsun: Indigenous Resistance and Regeneration (Encore)

  In this episode, we take a deep dive into Indigenous resistance against extractivism and the forces behind climate change. We’ll look at an underreported story in California about the Amah Mutsun Ohlone’s fight to save their most sacred site — a place called Juristac. Contributors Robert Raymond and Della Duncan explore the horrific injustices wrought upon California Indians since the time of the Spanish Missions up to the...

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Seeking Shelter: Building Housing and Community for LGBTQ Elders (Encore)

Seeking Shelter: Building Housing and Community for LGBTQ Elders (Encore)

  Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender seniors are much more likely than their straight counterparts to be alone and isolated as they age. Housing and support for these elders is a growing need–and the issue is not confined to the United States. In this edition, we’ll visit Jakarta Indonesia, and Los Angeles, California, to hear stories of building housing and community for LGBTQ seniors. Special thanks to FSRN-Free...

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I Am Because I Am: The Expansion of Gender Identity (Encore)

I Am Because I Am: The Expansion of Gender Identity (Encore)

  Gender Identity I Am Because I Am, explores the expansion of gender identity and presumed roles in our society. A look beyond the socially constructed ideas of what is male, female, masculine or feminine. Especially considering Trump’s administration attempts to redefine gender to be solely based on a person’s genitalia at birth. Thus potentially threatening Transgender, Intersex and Non-Binary Identity. In this show we’ll ask...

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The Pseudo-Science of Whiteness: Biology as a Social Weapon ENCORE 

The Pseudo-Science of Whiteness: Biology as a Social Weapon ENCORE 

  This week, filmmaker Stephanie Welch explores the role that racist, unscientific propaganda has played in promoting white supremacy in the U.S. She traces the history of the Pioneer Fund, the primary funding source for research that claims to demonstrate that people of color are genetically and intellectually inferior. The Fund used such research to lobby for eugenic policies like forced sterilization and the restrictive 1924...

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Angelic Troublemaker: Bayard Rustin (ENCORE)

Angelic Troublemaker: Bayard Rustin (ENCORE)

  On today’s program we honor Bayard Rustin, one of the most central figures in the African American struggle for Civil Rights and Freedom. Rustin was a pacifist, homosexual and practitioner of nonviolence who dedicated his life to racial equality, economic justice and ending warfare. Known as the lead organizer of the 1963 March on Washington and trusted advisor to labor leader A. Phillip Randolph and Dr. Martin Luther...

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Medical Apartheid and the COVID-19 vaccines (ENCORE)

Medical Apartheid and the COVID-19 vaccines (ENCORE)

The world is struggling to contain COVID-19, as variants continue to emerge in countries where the virus is spreading unchecked, killing thousands. Not only could widespread vaccination campaigns help slow the emergence of new variants, they would save countless lives. So why can’t countries in the global south access the novel COVID-19 vaccines? We take a deep dive into the WTO and international patents and we talk about the...

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