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Whose Neighborhood is This Anyway? (encore edition)

Making Contact’s Joaquin Palomino speaks to former gang members, and other mission residents, about gang injunctions, a controversial legal strategy that’s divided the community. Some call it a solution, but many believe it’s an ineffective measure that does more damage than good.


Chile’s 9/11 (encore edition)

As US citizens observe the 4th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, few realize the dark significance of that day in Chilean history. Thirty two years ago, on September 11th, 1973, a US-backed military junta toppled Socialist president Salvador Allende, marking the beginning of decades of repression. Hundreds of thousands of Chileans fled to other countries, including the United States, in search of a peaceful existence. On this edition, a group of Chilean Exiles in the US reflect on the coup, and how music transformed their experience of terror into artistic expression.


Rhythms of Zapata (encore edition)

In the U.S., some communities of color have turned to ‘Zapatismo’, a culture of the Mayan indigenous movement in the jungles of southern Mexico, as a source of hope that a different world is possible. We go to East Los Angeles, where a number of Chicano artists inspired by the Zapatistas have been using music to raise awareness about social change in their own communities.


Paradise Lost: Military Training in Makua Valley (encore edition)

Native Hawaiian and Making Contact intern Samson Reiny reports on what happens when the military takes over Makua Valley, a historically sacred land, and on how people are fighting back to reclaim this once pristine area.


Who Would Jesus Tax? (encore edition)

We talk with a single mom and a tax fairness advocate to debunk some myths about how wealth is created and what people can do to change tax policy and at how an under-reported union between political conservatives and the Christian right preserves the gap between the haves and have-nots.


Reproductive Justice: Voices from SisterSong (encore edition)

On this edition from our Women’s Desk, we hear from three women advocating for comprehensive reproductive health, that include the issues of sex education, HIV and AIDS prevention, housing, educational opportunities, queer-conscious-healthcare, the economic resources to support a child, the right to live free of violence, as well as an analysis of reproductive technologies.
