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Working Beyond Unions [Labor Day Special Encore]

It’s been decades since the U.S. has had a powerful labor movement and recent efforts to revive it have mostly fallen flat. But there is hope for a new labor movement that goes beyond the unions.


Immigrant Families Behind Bars (encore)

In a special collaboration with Feet in Two Worlds, we hear about an immigrant family torn apart after an immigration raid in Arizona. Also, grassroots efforts help change policies at a detention center in Texas.


A Chronology of Capitalism [encore]

It’s a time of economic transition, and systems that may have seemed stable over the past few decades are proving to be far from it. But how did we get here? This week, we hear from three people who’ve been sounding the alarm about capitalism’s house of cards for years, and in some cases, decades.


La Llorona: An Evolving Myth (encore)

The story of the weeping woman has been told since the time of the Spanish conquest. In this edition, we look at the myth of La Llorona as told in Oakland, California today, and explore how its meaning has grown and changed over time.


My T-Shirt Says it All (encore)

The T-shirt is a staple of the American wardrobe, worn by pretty much everyone at one time or another. It’s a sort of common denominator in a culture marked by differences. On this edition, we’ll hear how three T-shirt designers use the garments as a way to fight racism, communicate cultural identity, and mourn friends who’ve passed away.


How We Survive: The Deepening Homeless Crisis (encore)

We visit with a family who lost their home and now lives inside their cramped trailer in a city parking lot. And we’ll hear how two different communities are dealing with the economic crisis by taking matters into their own hands.
