Please support our programs

Not My War: The Military Deserters’ Dilemma

You make our radio programs possible! Please make a generous donation today.   More than 150,000 people sign up for the US military every year. Their reasons for joining vary widely, from those hoping for financial help through college, to others looking to follow in the footsteps of parents or grandparents. In recent years getting into the military has gotten harder, with criminal records and low academic scores proving the...


Concussions: Your Brain or the Game?

They say a smart athlete will use their head. But what if using your head cost you everything? That’s a question being asked in locker rooms the world over. Whether it’s boxing, hockey, or soccer, it seems that head injuries are finally being taken seriously. In the United States, lawsuits brought by players, as well as a body of scientific evidence, has lead to growing awareness about the impact American football has on...


Pesticides on the Playground

Is your children’s schoolyard routinely sprayed with pesticides? How safe your children are might depend on where you live. Today we hear about how and why one pesticide has been banned for household use, but affects the health of farmworkers and their children. Children’s health is especially fragile–so why aren’t we protecting them? Featuring:    Kim Harley, UC Berkeley Center for Environmental...

Come raise your voice at Making Contact’s National Poetry Slam Social Justice Open Mic

Come raise your voice at Making Contact’s National Poetry Slam Social Justice Open Mic

Have a poem about prison reform, gentrification LGBTQ rights, women’s right to choose or other crucial social justice issues? We want to hear it! Making Contact has partnered with the National Poetry Slam to produce this special open mic highlighting the power of thoughtful, truth telling, community focused poetry. We’re producing a radio show on the social justice power of writing that will be heard on over 140 stations around...

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Announcing Making Contact’s Community Storytelling fellows!

Announcing Making Contact’s Community Storytelling fellows!

In keeping with our mission of covering important issues and helping community media makers tell their stories, Making Contact is pleased to announce it’s 1st class of Community Storytelling Fellows! Our inaugural class of fellows is Lateef McLeod, Aqueila M. Lewis and Rochelle Robinson. Lateef will began working with us now. Aquila will join us September and Rochelle will begin her project in January of 2015. Over the course of the...

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Restorative Justice: Reconciling Face to Face

Victims and perpetrators sitting down face to face…it can help heal their wounds, and our society. Incarcerating our way out of crime clearly hasn’t worked, and it’s costing us billions. Meanwhile, school suspensions are reaching record highs. Now, Institutions across US are finally starting to consider problem solving methods other than punishment.  Restorative justice is gaining ground–in the schools, and behind bars....
