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Oakland Reacts to #Ferguson in photos and audio

Oakland Reacts to #Ferguson in photos and audio

Yesterday evening was a time of protests, marches and mourning across the country as news broke that a grand jury had decided to not indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Micahel Brown on August 9th. Making Contact’s George Lavender and Jasmin Lopez collected photos and videos from Oakland, CA as the verdict was released and emotional protesters took to the streets. All photo and recording by Jasmin Lopez....

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Migrant deaths, border crossings and immigration. An advanced listening session and community discussion this Sunday.

Migrant deaths, border crossings and immigration. An advanced listening session and community discussion this Sunday.

Over 6,000 migrant deaths were recorded on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico between 1998 and 2013. The true number of deaths is likely higher, and thousands of families never hear from their loved ones again. Bill Clinton’s presidency marked a major shift along the two thousand mile US-Mexico border. The border enforcement strategy know as “prevention through deterrence” was implemented, and those who...

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Women Rising 26: A Ride on the People’s Climate Train

In September of 2014, Women Rising radio rode the People’s Climate train coast to coast, with over 200 activists heading to New York City to join the largest climate change march in history. Featuring: Valerie Love, Center for Biological Diversity, No Tar Sands Campaigner Penny Opal Plant, Indigenous climate activist Lauren Wood, Utah’s Peaceful Uprising co-founder Teresa Jimenez, Urban Tithe organizer Shannon Biggs, Global...


Restorative Justice: Reconciling Face to Face

Victims and perpetrators sitting down face to face…it can help heal their wounds, and our society. Incarcerating our way out of crime clearly hasn’t worked, and it’s costing us billions. Meanwhile, school suspensions are reaching record highs. Now, Institutions across US are finally starting to consider problem solving methods other than punishment.  Restorative justice is gaining ground–in the schools, and behind bars....


Islamic state, Kurdistan, and the new U.S. war in Iraq

More than a decade after the start of the second Gulf War, the United States has embarked on a bombing campaign targeting Islamic State forces inside Iraq and Syria. It’s the third U.S. military action inside Iraq in as many decades. But the reasons for the new war keep shifting, from protecting ethnic and religious minorities, to preventing terrorist attacks on the U.S. As independent producer Reese Erlich reports from Northern...

These historical photos capture the fight for voting rights in the US.

These historical photos capture the fight for voting rights in the US.

As voters around the country head to the poles today we’re looking at the historical fight it took us to get here. Click the player below to listen to our show on the history of the Voting Rights Act while you scroll through the pictures. 1946 The District of Columbia delegation of the National Association of Colored Women joins delegates from across the country to picket the White House July 30 in response to the murders of...

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