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Making Contact team wins SPJ Excellence in Journalism Award!

Making Contact team wins SPJ Excellence in Journalism Award!

Every year the Society of Professional Journalists Excellence in Journalism Awards recognize the best stories and most innovative projects from media outlets around the country. These awards are where some of the most celebrated names in journalism recognize the crucial, enlightening work being done by their peers. We’re excited to announce that a team from Making Contact has won a Feature Storytelling award from the SPJ...

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Concussions: Your Brain or the Game?

Concussions: Your Brain or the Game?

They say a smart athlete will use their head. But what if using your head cost you everything? That’s a question being asked in locker rooms the world over. Whether it’s boxing, hockey, or soccer, it seems that head injuries are finally being taken seriously. In the United States, lawsuits brought by players, as well as a body of scientific evidence, has lead to growing awareness about the impact American football has on...

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Guns: An American Tradition

Guns: An American Tradition

Love em or hate em, they’re an ever present part of American culture.  And they’re not going away anytime soon.  On this edition, recorded before the Oct. 1st mass shooting in Colorado, we talk guns…from the shooting range, to the black panthers, to red state America. The people behind the trigger are probably not who you’d assume. Featuring Matt Knox, gun owner Ed & Dave, gun owners Huey Newton, Black Panther Tamu Mcfalls, former...

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Global Taxi Driver

Global Taxi Driver

It’s one of the most dangerous jobs in America: taxi driving. In this special joint episode from ReWork and Making Contact, we’ll hear a radio adaptation of TeAda Productions’ play “Global Taxi Driver,” and we’ll take a ride to meet the cab drivers at one of the country’s busiest airports. Featuring: Abate Teferi and Daniel Kassa, taxi drivers at LAX and organizers with National Taxi Workers Alliance Leilani Chan, Shaan Dasani, Elyse...

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Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle

Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle

A radio adaptation of the documentary Ruben Salazar: Man in the Middle. This documentary examines the life and mysterious death of pioneering Mexican-American journalist Ruben Salazar. At the heart of the story is his transformation from a mainstream, establishment Los Angeles Times reporter to a supporter and primary chronicler of the radical Chicano movement of the late 1960s until he was killed by a law enforcement officer in 1970....

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Meet our immigration and elections reporters -Valeria Fernandez and Marco Vera

Meet our immigration and elections reporters -Valeria Fernandez and Marco Vera

We’re moving full steam ahead with our Immigration and Elections project and now’s the time to join in. Your contributions help us hire all these special reporters. Meet the first two journalists: Welcome Valeria Fernandez and Marco Vera! Both journalists are experienced multi-platform media makers with deep roots in immigrant communities. They each bring a wealth of knowledge and energy to this project. We’re already impressed with...

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