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Deadly Force- Interview with Julie Perini

Deadly Force- Interview with Julie Perini

Following up on last week’s show on police shootings, Making Contact’s George Lavender interview Julie Perini one of the producers of “Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon” about the “ghostly scratchings” she created at the sites of police violence. Listen to the entire show here: And for more...

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ProPublica’s Ryan Gabrielson on police shootings and black teenage males

ProPublica’s Ryan Gabrielson on police shootings and black teenage males

The investigative journalism outlet ProPublica set out to analyze the data on hundreds of cases for signs of racial disparity. Their startling findings were released in the report “Deadly Force in Black and White” In this extended interview, Making Contact Producer George Lavender interviews Propublica reporter Ryan Gabrielson on the the finding s in their report and how police justification for shootings has changed with new laws....

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Motherhood by Choice not Chance

Before it was legal in the United States, some doctors would risk arrest to provide women with access to safe abortions. When that wasn’t possible, some sought abortions from unsafe providers, often with deadly consequences. The Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, and the numbers of people dying after having an abortion dropped, but are we now seeing a return to the past? On this edition, what can the time before abortion was...


You’ve heard of Hip-Hop, but what about Krip-Hop?

You’ve heard of Hip-Hop, but what about Krip-Hop? That’s the name for the international movement of disabled artists, poets, musicians, and MCs. On this edition of Making Contact, we hear the story of Krip Hop from hate mail to worldwide phenomenon. Featuring: Leroy Moore, co-founder of Krip Hop Nation, poet, activist, journalist; Joy Elan, poet More Information Joy Elan Leroy Moore Krip Hop in Poor Magazine Krip-Hop Nation Police...


A Dream Remembered?: Martin Luther King Jr and the Grassroots Civil Rights Movement

. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th 1963, Martin Luther King Jr delivered one of the most famous speeches of all time. But it nearly didn’t happen. On this special edition of Making Contact for MLK Day, Gary Younge, author of “The Speech” talks about Martin Luther King Junior’s “Dream” and the story behind it.   Producer: George Lavender Special thanks to the New School for use of their recording....


Divest! Pulling the plug on Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are a trillion dollar industry but environmentalists say they have a plan to pull the plug on the industry: divestment. The campaign to get institutions to end their investments in oil, gas, and coal companies has won supporters around the US and abroad. But is the strategy working? We hear from students in Boulder, Colorado who have been campaigning since 2012 and we hear about the close relationship between the oil...
