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Immigrants & Elections Pt. 2: Barriers to the Ballot

Immigrants & Elections Pt. 2: Barriers to the Ballot

Photo of Florita & Joseph Campbell at the Halo Halo Restaurant in Phoenix, AZ by contributing producer Valeria Fernández In the US, the right to vote is one of the country’s most cherished and hard-fought rights. But it doesn’t mean that everyone has equal access to the polls. In 2013 the Supreme Court struck down a key civil rights provision of the Voting Rights Act. This November will be the first presidential election in...

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New Rates! Call for Pitches July 2016

Do you have a story with perspectives on an ongoing local, national, or global issue? Do you have access to voices and perspectives that get lost in mainstream media landscape? Do they have ideas about how to cope, and how to change things? If so, consider pitching to Making Contact!  We’re looking for pitches from freelancers on several themes. NewsFlash #1 We’ve increased our freelance rates! See below. NewsFlash #2...

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Diversifying Radio with Disabled Voices

Diversifying Radio with Disabled Voices

  Radio can be a familiar friend, source of knowledge, a marker of time and place. But as a cultural institution, what constitutes a “good voice” in radio reflects and transmits cultural norms and structures. When I started my Community Storytelling Radio Fellowship at Making Contact, I prepared by reading articles from Transom and AIR media about interviewing, storytelling, and production. I felt more intimidated as...

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Making Contact’s dialogue on Women, Media and Community Activism

Making Contact’s dialogue on Women, Media and Community Activism

Join us for a live recording session in San Francisco! On March 16th The Making Contact team is happy be partnering with the California Institute for Integral Studies for an evening of important discussion and public journalism. Race, police violence and criminal justice reform have been at the top of headlines nationwide with no signs of slowing as we move into the election season. Join us for a dialogue with two inspiring community...

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Call for Pitches: Immigration and Elections

Call for Pitches: Immigration and Elections

We want your pitches! Making Contact is assembling a team of freelance journalists to  examine how immigrants in the U.S. participate in politics and are responding to the 2016 elections. Two freelancers have already joined the project. Their work will specifically examine issues Latino/a communities are confronting in the upcoming elections. We’re looking for character-driven stories that focus on how other immigrant...

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Making Contact team wins SPJ Excellence in Journalism Award!

Making Contact team wins SPJ Excellence in Journalism Award!

Every year the Society of Professional Journalists Excellence in Journalism Awards recognize the best stories and most innovative projects from media outlets around the country. These awards are where some of the most celebrated names in journalism recognize the crucial, enlightening work being done by their peers. We’re excited to announce that a team from Making Contact has won a Feature Storytelling award from the SPJ...

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