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What is Augmentative Alternative Communication?

What is Augmentative Alternative Communication?

Since I have a severe speech disability because of my cerebral palsy I cannot communicate effectively using my own oral voice and as result use an Augmentative Alternative Communication or A.A.C. device to communicate. An A.A.C. technology aid is any device, either electronic or non-electronic that is used to transmit or receive messages for those who cannot do so vocally. There are two types of A.A.C., low-tech and high-tech. For...

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Songs in the Key of Choice: Pop Music and Reproductive Justice

Songs in the Key of Choice: Pop Music and Reproductive Justice

This story is part of a joint reporting project on reproductive rights in pop culture that includes Bitch Media, Feministing, and Making Contact. This work is part of a Media Consortium collaboration made possible in part by a grant from the Voqal Fund. {Special 11 min. piece, not whole radio program} One in three women will have an abortion in her lifetime, yet in pop culture accurate portrayals of real people’s stories are...

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2/14/14 Call for Pitches: Coffee, Restorative Justice, Low wage workers

Making Contact is an award-winning, 29-minute weekly magazine/documentary-style public affairs program heard on 140 radio stations in the USA, Canada, South Africa, and Australia.  Amplifying voices and perspectives rarely heard in mainstream media, Making Contact focuses on the human realities of politics and the connections between local and global events, emphasizing positive and creative ways to solve problems. We are...

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