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Reflection by Aqueila M. Lewis

Reflection by Aqueila M. Lewis

“Reflection” was written on April 29, 2014 during National Poetry Month. I love fairy tales and nursery rhymes. I was actually thinking of Snow White and the relationship she had with her wicked step mother. I also remember vividly seeing how the step mother’s only friend seemed to be her mirror. I switched it around and imagined what I saw when I looked into the mirror. And those images just came forth so I wrote...

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Being a plus-size woman and model

Being a plus-size woman and model

I am a plus-size model and have been modeling since 2010. The words plus-size and full-figured are interchangeable – both mean a person of fuller size, with curves, that wears clothing size 12 and up. After volunteering as assistant for a designer in a fashion show, I wanted to make a change in my life and improve my self-esteem. Since then I have modeled in magazines, various events, runway shows, gained the title as Ms....

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The Ten A.A.C. Commandments

The Ten A.A.C. Commandments

So as I come to a close of my Storytelling Fellowship with Making Contact I am thankful for the great experience I had with the program staff on making my radio piece. As part of my fellowship I was able to record my first rap song with an A.A.C. twist on it. It is over a familiar Biggie beat. Here it is: If you like my song be sure to tune in to listen to my radio segment about the public’s perception of people who use A.A.C....

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Chlorpyrifos: Banned for Most Americans, Farmworkers & Their Children Left Behind

The pesticide chlorpyrifos was banned for household use over a dozen years ago, but it is still widely applied in agriculture. We’ll explore the health risks for children, especially in farmworking communities, in this report. Featuring: Kim Harley, University of California, Berkeley professor and associate director of the Center for Environmental Research & Children’s Health Isabel Arrollo, El Quinto...

Call for Radio Pitches: Fossil Fuels, Squatters, Minimum Wage, Women’s Bodies and Voting

Call for Radio Pitches: Fossil Fuels, Squatters, Minimum Wage, Women’s Bodies and Voting

We’re looking for pitches from freelancers on several themes. If you feel you have a story that fits or a new idea, please let us know! We’re also always interested in pitches on any of our regular beats: prisons, poverty, climate change, reproductive health, and the environment. Divestment from Fossil Fuels We’re looking for stories about students putting pressure on colleges and universities to cut financial ties with...

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Come raise your voice at Making Contact’s National Poetry Slam Social Justice Open Mic

Come raise your voice at Making Contact’s National Poetry Slam Social Justice Open Mic

Have a poem about prison reform, gentrification LGBTQ rights, women’s right to choose or other crucial social justice issues? We want to hear it! Making Contact has partnered with the National Poetry Slam to produce this special open mic highlighting the power of thoughtful, truth telling, community focused poetry. We’re producing a radio show on the social justice power of writing that will be heard on over 140 stations around...

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