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The Other 9/11: Part One

Before 2001, there was another 9/11. In 1973, a military coup backed by the United States, overthrew the Chilean government and ushered in seventeen years of brutal dictatorship. In the first of a two part series; we hear stories of the Chilean 9/11.That day marked the end of one of Latin America’s longest democratic traditions, and brought on almost two decades of murder, disappearances, repression, and fear. This program was...


Undocumented and Undaunted: DREAMer Artists Speak Out

The struggles of undocumented youth in the US often fly under the radar of the mainstream media. But with the tools of creative expression and the power of social media, a new generation of young immigrants is making sure their voices are heard. On this edition, young undocumented artists speak their truth, as the world listens.


Returning Fire: Interventions in Video Game Culture

Interactive, realistic, pro-war video games have become part of American culture. But protestors and artists are finding ways to turn the virtual world into a place where the military hero narrative can be questioned. On this edition, we hear excerpts from the movie Returning Fire: Interventions in Video Game Culture, written and directed by Roger Stahl.


A New Way of Life and the New Underground Railroad

After serving time, finding food, a job and a place to live with a criminal record can become an almost impossible task. On this edition, Women building their own support network after being released from prison. We’ll hear “A New Way of Life and the New Underground Railroad” a documentary by Chris Moore-Backman.


Survivors of Solitary Confinement

Tens of thousands are in solitary confinement in American prisons which according to the United Nations is torture. Producer Claire Schoen met nine former prisoners who describe in detail what it’s like to be in solitary confinement.


Cracking the Codes: Dr. Shakti Butler on the System of Racial Inequity

How do we talk about race and racism in this country? Not as deeply as we should, according to filmmaker and educator Dr. Shakti Butler. On this edition, we hear excerpts from Dr. Butler’s film “Cracking the Codes”, and speak with her about using the medium of film to start conversations around the thorny issues of racial inequity. Featuring: Dr. Shakti Butler, World Trust founder and Creative Director; Humaira...


Manufacturing Terror: The Media’s Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim Problem

After the Boston Marathon bombing, journalists scrambled to identify those responsible for the attack, and their motive. Rolling news and online message boards were filled with speculation, many pointing the finger at Muslims and Arabs. Does the media reinforce anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stereotypes? Featuring: Adel Iskandar, media and communications scholar; Mike German, ACLU Washington Legislative Office senior policy council; Maytha...


Transit For All:Should Buenos Aires’ trains be Re-Nationalized?

When city budgets are cut, public transportation is often on the chopping block; routes and lines serving those who need the service most, can be the first to go. But from New York to Argentina, an emerging ‘transportation justice’ movement is standing up for people’s right to ride.


Transit For All: Does make Portland Oregon’s TriMet Unfairly Cut Service for the Poor?

When city budgets are cut, public transportation is often on the chopping block; routes and lines serving those who need the service most, can be the first to go. But from New York to Argentina, an emerging ‘transportation justice’ movement is standing up for people’s right to ride.


Transit For All: How NYC’s Public Transit Serves the Blind

When city budgets are cut, public transportation is often on the chopping block; routes and lines serving those who need the service most, can be the first to go. But from New York to Argentina, an emerging ‘transportation justice’ movement is standing up for people’s right to ride.
