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70 Million: Punished and Persecuted for Being Unhoused, Part 2

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More than a quarter of the people experiencing homelessness in the U.S. live in California. Nowhere is the unhoused crisis more visible than in the city of Los Angeles, where almost 30,000 people camp out on sidewalks and in parks every night. On today’s episode we continue to follow a community of unhoused people in Echo Park in Los Angeles, that was forcibly evicted by police despite an enormous show of support from protesters. Thanks to our podcast partners at 70 Million we bring you part two of “Punished and Persecuted for Being Unhoused.”

Image Credit: An unhoused man who goes by “Si Pues” sits with his belongings after moving them around the block during a sweep in Van Nuys, Calif. on July 29, 2022. Once the sweep is finished he will move back to the same spot. Photo Credit: Alisha Jucevic.

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  • Will Sens
  • Mark Betancourt
  • Mitch O’Farrell
  • Ashley Bennett
  • Wall Street
  • Queen (Undocumented)
  • Mama C.A.T.
  • Mayfair Staff Member 2
  • Molly Rysman
  • Mike Bonin
  • Riley Montgomery


70 Million

  • Episode Reporter: Mark Betancourt
  • Editor: Monica Lopez and Juleyka Lantigua
  • Host: Mitzi Miller
  • Sound Designer: Erica Huang
  • Photo Editor: Michelle Baker
  • Staff Writer and Designer: Kori Doran
  • Lead Fact Checker: Haylee Millikan
  • Lead Producer: Pamela Kirkland
  • Episode Photographer: Alisha Jucevic
  • Creator/Executive Producer: Juleyka Lantigua

The Making Contact Team

  • Executive Director: Jina Chung
  • Interim Senior Producer: Jessica Partnow
  • Staff Producers: Anita Johnson, Amy Gastelum, Salima Hamirani, Lucy Kang


Music Credits:

  • Blue Dot Session – Kirkus
  • Cory Gray – Build A View

Author: FoC Media

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