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70 Million: When a State Treats Drug Addiction Like a Health Issue, Not a Crime

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A year ago, Oregon became the first state to decriminalize drug possession. The goal is to reverse some of the negative impacts of the War on Drugs by approaching drug use from a health-centered basis. Reporter Cecilia Brown visits an addiction and recovery center in Portland that’s gearing up for what they hope will be an influx of people seeking treatment.

Image Credit: Miracles Club

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  • Julia Mines, Miracle Club Executive Director
  • Anthony Johnson, Criminal Justice Attorney
  • Governor Kate Brown,  Larry Turner, Ron Williams and Will Johnson, Miracles Club Mentor
  • Mike Schmidt, Multnomah County’s District Attorney
  • Mike Marshall, Oregon Recovers
  • Judge Eric Bloch, Oregon Drug Courts


70 Million, Episode 10 Credits

  • Episode Reporter: Cecilia Brown
  • Executive Editor: Jen Chien
  • Host: Mitzi Miller
  • Sound Designer: Elizabeth Nakano
  • Photo Editor: Michelle Baker
  • Staff Writer and Designer: Emma Forbes
  • Lead Fact Checker: Mark Betancourt
  • Lead Producer: Cedric Wilson
  • Episode Photographer: Alisha Jucevic
  • Creator/Executive Producer: Juleyka Lantigua

The Making Contact Team

  • Interim Executive Director: Jessica Partnow
  • Staff Producers: Anita Johnson, Monica Lopez, Salima Hamirani


Music Credits:

  • Andy G. Cohen  “Our Young Guts”
  • Audiobinger  “The Garden State”

Author: FoC Media

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