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But Next Time, Episode 3: Rising Waters

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No matter where we come from, or how much money we make, we all deserve a safe and healthy place to call home. In this episode we meet parents who are fighting to save their families’ homes despite a perfect storm of  greedy landlords and hurricane-related flooding. Jaime, a mom who lives in subsidized housing in Houston Texas, joins with other moms to stand up to landlords and local officials whose policies and practices have kept working-class Black and Brown families trapped in moldy and unsafe homes for years.

Before and after Hurricane Harvey, Jaime and organizers in Houston come together to take collective action and push for change. Along the way they connect with leaders in Puerto Rico who have also been resisting and re-building in the wake of ongoing disaster. We hear from renowned Puerto Rican activist and former political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera, Luis O. Gallardo Rivera, director of Centro para la Reconstrucción del Hábitat and Adriana Godreau, director of Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico, who along with our host Chrishelle Palay engage in on the ground work and advocacy in their communities, in the halls of Congress, and beyond.

Whether they are educating their communities, building back power grids, or bringing their fight to the courtroom, these community leaders are working together to shape the healthier future we all deserve. Join us to hear their stories as they work tirelessly to ensure that next time will be different.

Special Thanks to Sonya Green. 

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  • Jaime (we don’t use her last name in the episode)– Mother in Houston Texas who is part of the 12 Moms campaign
  • Zoe Middleton – Southeast Texas and Houston Co-Director for Texas Housers
  • Erika Bowman – Community Organizer with Texas Housers
  • Cashauna Hill – Executive Director of the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center
  • Ariadna Godreau – Founder and Director of Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico
  • Luis O. Gallardo Rivera– Executive Director, Center for Habitat Reconstruction
  • Oscar Lopez Rivera – Puerto Rican Activist and Former Political Prisoner
  • María Yvelisse Inirio – Executive Assistant of Corporación del Proyecto ENLACE del Caño Martín Peña
  • Mariolga Juliá Pacheco – Director of Citizen Participation Corporación del Proyecto ENLACE del Caño Martín Peña


Staff at the But Next Time

  • Hosts: Chrishelle Palay and Rose Arrieta
  • Executive Producer: Luisa Dantas.
  • Supervising Producer: Paige Wood
  • Impact Producers: Anna Lee and Julia Steele Allen
  • Associate Producer: Kadi Diallo
  • Producer & Editor: Leah Mahan
  • Story Editor: Cheryl Devall
  • Audio Engineer: Rae Mondo
  • Composer: Fernando Arruda

The Making Contact Team

  • Host: Anita Johnson
  • Interim Executive Director: Jessica Partnow
  • Staff Producers: Anita Johnson, Monica Lopez, Salima Hamirani



  • Music Cues for EP3 (in order of appearance):
    But Next Time
    A Feeling About It
    Different Next Time
    Full-Bodied Disparity
    Arduous Path
    Full-Bodied Disparity
    Let There Be Fire
    Going Back
    Per Pound
    Next Blues
    But Next Time
    BNT Soundtrack Album

More Information:

Author: FoC Media

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