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The Response: The Fight for Justice after the Grenfell Tower Fire

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On June 14, 2017, a fire started in a 24-story public housing apartment in West London called Grenfell Tower. The fire raged all night and reduced the building to a shell. Seventy-two people lost their lives, making the Grenfell Tower fire the United Kingdom’s deadliest disaster since World War II. In this episode, we examine the events that led up to the Grenfell Tower fire and learn how the community has responded through the voices of survivors, their families, and others who were impacted. We meet 13-year-old Grenfell Tower resident Neila Elguenuni; rescue worker Pedro Ramos who was on the fire response team; local community organizer Joe Delaney who was activated by the tragedy; and many other community members who have come together to increase their resilience while simultaneously fighting for justice and accountability.

Special thanks to the Response podcast.

Image Credit: Kayne Lynch, Illustrator


  • Fatima Elguenuni: Health Care Worker for families of Grenfell Tower
  • Joe Delaney: Resident of Grenfell Tower
  • Nabil Choucair Family lived at Grenfell at the time of the fire
  • Neila Elguenuni: Survivor of the fire
  • Pedro Ramos: Police Officer night of the fire
  • Flora Cornish: Researcher at the London School of Economics


  • Host and executive producer: Tom Llewellyn
  • Senior producer, technical director, and script writer: Robert Raymond
  • Field producer and scriptwriter: Della Duncan

Making Contact Staff

  • Host: Salima Hamirani

  • Executive Director: Sonya Green

  • Director of Program Initiatives and Distribution: Lisa Rudman

  • Staff Producers: Anita Johnson, Monica Lopez, Salima Hamirani


  • Chris Zabriskie
  • Pele
  • Karl Blau
  • Will Stratton
  • Roots of Orchis

Author: FoC Media

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