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Domestic Violence in Lockdown: COVID-19 and the UK’s Domestic Abuse Bill 

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Domestic abuse affects everyone it touches—intimate partners, children, and elders. COVID-19 created new problems for victims of domestic violence and made some worse. This show looks at the challenges to survivors and their advocates posed by the pandemic and examines a landmark piece of legislation in the UK that could change the way countries there handle domestic abuse cases.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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  • Councillor Karen Bellamy – CEO of LVE Foundation, Councillor at Waltham Forest Council
  • Councillor Grace Williams – Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families, Waltham Forest Council
  • Cordelia Tucker-O’Sullivan– Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Refuge
  • Kate Smurthwaite – Comedian and activist. Political Commentator (credits include Sky News, This Morning, BBC Question Time, BBC The Big Questions, BBC Ulster)
  • Angela Clarke – Author (‘Memoirs of a Fashionista’, ‘Follow Me’, ‘Watch Me’, ‘Trust Me’, ‘On My Life’), Screenwriter, Broadcaster (credits BBC Three Counties)
  • Elizabeth Jiménez-Yáñez – Policy and Communication Coordinator at the Latin American Women’s Rights Service


  • Host/Producer: Monica Lopez
  • Reporter: Rosie MacLeod

Making Contact Staff:

  • Staff Producers: Monica Lopez, Anita Johnson, Salima Hamirani
  • Executive Director: Sonya Green
  • Director of Production Initiatives and Distribution: Lisa Rudman
  • Production Assistant: Emily Rose Thorne

Music Credits:

In order of appearance:

“Marimba on the Hunt”, Daniel Birch

“Underwater”, Meydan

“Snowy Eyes”, Tree As Man

“In Pursuit of Silence”, Daniel Birch

“Rise”, Meydan


Author: FoC Media

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