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Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible

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Today on Making Contact, we present the film Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible. The film takes us on the transformational journey of white men and women who overcome issues of unconscious bias and entitlement. Producer, Dr. Shakti Butler explores what is required to move through stages of denial, to awareness, to making a solid commitment to end racial injustice.

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  • Elizabeth Denevi, Jeb Middlebrook, Mary Riordan, Rick Broniec, Marguerite Parks, Peggy McIntosh, Janelle Peterson, Joe Fahey, Gillian Burlingham, Jennifer Juhler, Gary Howard, Tim Wise, Andrea Rabinowitz, Francie Kendall, Dianne Finnerty, and more


  • Host: Anita Johnson

Making Contact Staff:

  • Staff Producers: Monica Lopez, Anita Johnson, Salima Hamirani
  • Executive Director: Sonya Green
  • Director of Production Initiatives and Distribution: Lisa Rudman

Music Credit:

Quiet Orchestra – My Friends

Blue Dot Sessions – Grand Caravan

Blue Dot Sessions – The Yard

Author: FoC Media

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