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President Biden and America’s Expectation

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Today, a divided nation experiences one of the most tumultuous presidential transitions in US history. Leaders from marginalized communities across the nation are watching, with cautious optimism, as Biden and Harris seek to tackle several serious crises amid a raging pandemic.

Thank you to freelance journalist Maritza L. Félix for reporting from Arizona.

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  • Nicole Henderson, Communications Director, New Georgia Project
  • Eduardo Sainz, Mi Familia Vota, Arizona State Director
  • Luis Avila,  Aqui Se Vota (Here You Vote)
  • Dr. Kimberly Ellis, Communications Director, 1,000 Women Strong and Creator/Founder, Black Politics Matter
  • Rosa Clemente, Organizer, Hip Hop Scholar, Former Vice Presidential Candidate


Host: Anita Johnson

Freelancer: Maritza L. Félix

Making Contact Staff:

  • Staff Producers: Monica Lopez, Anita Johnson, Salima Hamirani
  • Executive Director: Sonya Green
  • Director of Production Initiatives and Distribution: Lisa Rudman

Music Credit:

AudioBinger – The Garden State
Blue Dot Session – Bedroll
Blue Dot Session – Kirkus
Blue Dot Session – Trailrunner



Author: FoC Media

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