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Women Rising Radio: Women Challenge Capitalism 

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Women are challenging male-dominated power structures, and creating alternatives to the profit-driven economic model of capitalism. Women Rising Radio features Jinwar, a women-led village in Northern Syria. And we meet worker-owners of Up & Go, a cleaning cooperative in New York city. To place this global movement in historical perspective, we speak with feminist scholar Silvia Federici. Her books chronicle centuries of persecution and violence against women, including witch hunts carried out to steal womens lands, knowledge and practices by capitalist nation-states.

Image Caption: Photos courtesy of Jinwarand Up & Go  

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  • Silvia Federici, Radical Feminist Scholar, Activist and Author
  • Jilaan and Gunesh, Women of Jinwar Village
  • Maria Veronica Romero and Cirenia Dominguez, Worker-Owners with Up & Go Cleaning Cooperative in New York City


  • Producer: Lynn Feinerman, Women Rising Radio
  • Host: Sandina Robbins, Women Rising Radio
  • Audio: Emily Harris, Women Rising Radio
  • Consulting: Stephanie Welch, Women Rising Radio

Making Contact Staff:

  • Staff Producers: Monica Lopez, Anita Johnson, Salima Hamirani
  • Executive Director: Sonya Green
  • Director of Production Initiatives and Distribution: Lisa Rudman

Music Credits:

  • Bonnie Lockhart
  • Betsy Rose Women of Jinwar Village Raghav Sachar


Author: FoC Media

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