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The Big Lift

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The Big Lift

Meeting family needs in a city of widening wealth gaps is a big lift. Dozens of studies show that when parents or guardians are engaged in their kids’ education, it has a huge impact. Not just on academics but on a student’s attendance, self-esteem, and behavior in class. That’s true across income levels. That’s why the San Francisco Unified School District created the position of “family liason” fifteen years ago: to build trust and get families in the door. Reporter Lee Romney followed the work of one family liaison at a high-poverty school for a year.

This program originally aired on KALW’s Crosscurrents.

Image Credit: Lee Romney/KALW

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  • Mauricha Robinson – Family Liaison, George Washington Carver elementary school
  • Emmanuel Stewart – Principal, George Washington Carver elementary school
  • Jewell Taylor –  Parent, George Washington Carver elementary school
  • Ashley Bonton – Social Worker
  • LaRonnda Hampton – Parent
  • Sarah Thomas – Parent




  • Reporter: Lee Romney 
  • Editor: Lisa Morehouse
  • Engineer: Tarek Fouda
  • This program originally aired on KALW’s Crosscurrents.
  • Making Contact Staff:
  • Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
  • Staff Producers: Anita Johnson, Monica Lopez, Salima Hamirani
  • Audience Engagement Manager: Dylan Heuer
  • Associate Producer: Aysha Choudhary



  • Audiobinger – The Garden State
  • Flying Lotus – Fall In Love
  • Hakaisu – Butterflies in my Stomach
  • Hakaisu – Echoes of a Past Life
  • Furino – Wish and Wait
  • William Basinski – Melancholia
  • Rachels – Water From the Same Source
  • Meydan – Underwater



Author: FoC Media

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