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Climate Uprising: Indigenous Women at the Global Climate Action Summit

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Indigenous Women Speak Their Truth On The Climate Crisis

The climate emergency on Earth has become critical.  So when California Governor Jerry Brown called for a Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, Sept, 12-14 2018, people took to the streets to let the governor and attendees at the summit know they don’t want inadequate or false climate solutions, including cap and trade. Women, including frontline and Indigenous women activists, also made their views known in a powerful way at the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International’s, ‘Women’s Assembly For Climate Justice’, which was held in parallel to the summit.

Image Credit: WECAN

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  • Osprey Orielle Lake, Executive Director of WECAN (Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network)
  • Kathy Jentinel Kitchener, Poet and Daughter of the President of the Marshall Islands
  • Kandi Mossett White, Arikara and Mandan Leader from North Dakota and Activist with the Indigenous Environmental Network
  • Wanda Culp, Tlingit Nation Eco-Activist
  • Pennie Opal Plant, Activist with Idle No More Bay Area


  • Producer:  Lynn Feinerman, Women Rising Radio
  • Host: Sandina Robbins
  • Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
  • Mixer: Nathan Bauld
  • Recordists: Survival Media Agency and Chana Wilson

Making Contact Staff:

  • Producers: Anita Johnson, Salima Hamirani, Monica Lopez
  • Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
  • Audience Engagement Director/Web Editor: Sabine Blaizin
  • Outreach and Distribution Assistant: Dylan Heuer 


Author: FoC Media

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