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Call for Pitches

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We’re seeking sound-rich radio stories with ear-grabbing characters, interesting angles, and solid facts. We encourage you to explore grassroots solutions and the ways communities are organizing.

We look forward to hearing from you on these topics below and others you have, at

Making Contact is accepting pitches for 7-10 minute segments or 29-minute documentaries for upcoming shows in our Fall schedule. Although we’re always looking for stories on many topics (so send those over, too), we’re particularly interested in the following list.

Check out our submission guidelines for more info and pay rates.

Please submit pitches to by Monday, August 20, 2018.

Climate Change and Climate Justice
Global climate summits led by governments and big business garner media attention every year or so, but what’s going on in frontline communities on the ground — those most impacted by climate change? How are networks of groups working at the intersections of climate and social justice?

Reproductive Justice
We’re looking for segments based in the U.S. in this time of many state governments’ attacks to abortion rights and erosion to access. Perhaps a segment that explores the influence of religious fundamentalism in US and federal level theocracy with high potential of a SCOTUS rollback to Roe. Or a segment covering organizing to maintain and expand abortion access. We’d like an emphasis on the intersections of race and gender and the particular impact on young, poor+working class women of color. There have been moves in some states to punish women who miscarry or are suspected of inducing abortion, and we particularly invite pitches that explore that angle.

Prisons and People in Prison
What are the stories regarding “re-entry” and the issues or solutions around the lives of people after being released from prison? What organizing is happening in and out of prison to support those recently released? How do classes and programs inside impact one’s ability to smoothly re-enter society? We’re interested in segment pitches related to post-release monitoring or surveillance such as challenges or changes to parole processes in more progressive states, an exploration of monitoring and mental health in relation to the incarceration of prisoners, ankle monitors, LWOPS, women in prison, and plea bargains.

Immigrants and Undocu-Joy
The artists and activists who assert undocumented status not as a sad and sorry state but as a reality and a challenge to be met with community resilience and creativity. Where are we now, and where are we going from here? What have been some of the major policy changes and community, political, popular responses to those changes?

Author: FoC Media

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