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The Far Right and Antifa

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In this episode of Making Contact, we explore the past and present of the far right and anti-fascism. We begin with a story from Athens on the murder of Greek anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas and the resulting investigation. In the second half of the show, historian and author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, Mark Bray, describes anti-fascist responses to Hitler and Mussolini in the 1920’s and 30’s.

Image Credits:
Photo by seven_resist on Flickr

Image Caption:
Pavlos Fyssas, antifascist Rapper and left activist was killed by fascists in Piräus – Athens. 19.09.2013. This photo shows the Red Stuff Antifa store mural in Berlin Kreuzberg. Pavlos was a Hip Hop Artist known as “Killah P”.

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  • Magda Fyssas, Mother of Slain Rapper Pavlos Fyssas
  • Kostis Papaioannou, Coordinator of Golden Dawn Watch
  • Meyas, Greek Rapper
  • Mark Bray, Historian and Author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook


  • Host: Monica Lopez
  • Producers: Anita Johnson, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada, Andrew Stelzer
  • Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
  • Audience Engagement Director/Web Editor: Sabine Blaizin
  • Development Associate: Vera Tykulsker
  • Contributing Producers:  Alyssa Moxley, Niki Seth-Smith, Lisa Rudman
  • Song Translation & Voice Over: Yiannis Baboulias
  • Recordings of Golden Dawn Speeches: Stéphane Charpentier
  • Songs: Siga Min Klapso, Lyrics: Killah P, Yannis Angelakas and Taxidiotes Music: Killah P, Yannis Angelakas and Taxidiotes; Zoria, Lyrics: Killah P, Music: Killah P
  • Voice of Magda Fyssas: A translated reenactment of the radio interview of Magda Fyssas by Kostas Arvanitis on Radio 24|7, 88.6 FM, broadcast on June 28, 2017, presented by the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation. Translated by Diane Shugart, spoken by Sophie Williams and Ian Robertson, recorded at Radio 24|7, on September 15, 2017. 


  • Pavlos Fyssas
  • “Steady Leave ID”, Lobo Loco
  •  “West Coast”,  Ryan Little
  •  “Houndstooth”, Gilman Mom
  •  “In Passage”, Blue Dot Sessions



Author: FoC Media

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