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A Tale of Two Heights

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Two neighborhoods — Boyle Heights in Los Angeles and Crown Heights, Brooklyn New York — are experiencing the gamut of changes associated with gentrification. And some are pushing back against those who would cash in on the eviction and displacement of longtime residents. On this edition of Making Contact we hear how one Crown Heights restaurant drew the protest of local residents, and how a coalition of activists in Boyle Heights is taking direct action against gentrifying forces in the neighborhood. 

Special thanks to Jesús Hermosillo, producer of the podcast, This Is Where We Stay.

Image Credit: Gothamist, Caption: Becca Brennan, owner of Summerhill restaurant at Crown Heights town hall

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  • Leonardo Vilchis, Union de Vecinos & Defend Boyle Heights
  • Claudia Medina, Eviction Defense Network
  • Carlos Montes, Centro CSO & Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council
  • Diana Richardson, NY State Assembly
  • Becca Brennan, Owner of Summerhill Restaurant
  • Geoffrey Davis, Crown Heights Community Organizer


  • Host: Monica Lopez
  • Producers: Anita Johnson, Marie Choi, Monica Lopez, R.J. Lozada, Otis Gray (Contributing Producer + Producer of the podcast, Hungry)
  • Executive Director: Lisa Rudman
  • Audience Engagement Director/Web Editor: Sabine Blaizin
  • Development Associate: Vera Tykulsker


  • “Bom Jardin”,  Lobo Loco

  • “Steady Leave ID”, Lobo Loco

  • “West Coast”,  Ryan Little

  • “Houndstooth”, Gilman Mom

  • “In Passage”, Blue Dot Sessions

  • “Fater Lee”, Black Ant

Author: FoC Media

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