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A new call for pitches coming in late July —and new rates!

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We’ll have a new call for pitches in late July on

Immigrants and Elections, Guns, People in Prison, Climate Change,  Occupy+5 and more…


We’re trying out new rates for radio freelancers!

Level 1. $800 plus travel reimbursement up to $100
“Involve research and original reporting • Require the reporter to have substantial subject matter expertise • Involve time-consuming reporting • Have a sophisticated narrative • Require travel by the reporter • Have sound that does not involve phone tape • Be rich in a variety of sounds demonstrative or supportive of the story.”

Level 2. $500 plus travel reimbursement up to $100
“Involve multiple interviews • Involve interviews conducted where the interviewee is carrying on activities relevant to the story • Involve sound, scenes, and advanced radio storytelling techniques • Involve reporter having good prior knowledge of subject matter”

BTW: Full 26 min Documentary $1000 for veteran producers to do a full documentary edition. An exclusive is not necessary but air dates need to be discussed.

Author: FoC Media

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