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In today’s news cycle it’s challenging keeping up with the latest developments around the world. In 2014 we saw pro-democracy protests spanning 75 days in Hong Kong to the Black Lives Matter movement in the U.S. Often we just get the stories when they first break, then once the height of a conflict diminishes or really when another issue surfaces to the top of the news cycle, that’s it. After that we don’t hear much more about the issue. Even though we know that the issues remain.
On today’s show we’re going to bring you an update on some of the stories we’ve covered this year. We’ll go to a protest to talk to advocates calling for an end to using Native American imagery and stereotypes in sports. We’ll talk to the Center for Food Safety about the political outlook for supporters of better regulations of GMOs and pesticides. And we’ll get an update on US immigration policy from the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
- Alice Ollstein, radio producer
- Suzan Shown Harjo, Cheyenne and Hodulgee Muscogee advocate for American Indian rights
- Morning Star Gali, co-chair of Bay Area Coalition to End Racism in Sports
- Jacqueline Keeler, founding member of Eradicating Offensive Native Mascotry
- Don Tipping, Seven Seeds Farm owner
- Chris Hardy, Rogue valley farmer
- Sylvia Wu, staff attorney at Center for Food Safety
- Catherine Tactaquin, Executive Director of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
More Information:
- Change the Mascot campaign history
- Business Insider: Meet the Native American Grandmother Who Just Beat The Washington Redskins
- Daniel Snyder, Washington D.C. football team owner on ESPN Go
- Washington Post: The legend of Lone Star Dietz: Redskins namesake, coach — and possible impostor?
- ESPN: The 2,128 Native American Mascots People Aren’t Talking About
- USA Today: Redskins not only team targeted for Indian nickname
- Deadspin: Broadcasters Really Are Saying “Redskins” A Lot Less This Year
- Yes on 92: Oregon’s Right to Know
- International Business Times: GMO Crops: Two Oregon Counties Ban Their Cultivation Via Ballot Initiatives
- Center for Food Safety
- Wall Street Journal: Food Industry Wins Round in GMO-Labeling Fight
- The White House: President Obama’s immigration plan
- National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
- SF Gate: Immigrants facing deportation do better in court with a lawyer
- Northern California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice: Access to Justice for Immigrant Families and Communities Study of Legal Representation of Detained Immigrants in Northern California
Featured Music:
- Roulet, Date
- máquina solar, pende de un hilo
Photo Credit:
- André Cramblit holding “I’m not your mascot” sign protesting the name and mascot of the Washington D.C. football team Credit: Laura Flynn
- Marchers heading to Levi Stadium to protest the name and mascot of the Washington D.C. football team Credit: Laura Flynn
- News Credit: Dennis Skley
- Information Overload Credit: Martino via Flickr
- Listening to Radio Credit: Jos Verhoogen