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Transforming the Trauma: Soldiers Stories


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A moment of reflection at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. Credit: oneofthebrave/ Flickr

This week we mark the 10th anniversary of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.  Please listen to the voices of soldiers haunted by the killing and human suffering.

Like many soldiers returning home from Vietnam, former airforce captain S. Brian Willson became a peace activist.  One day in 1987, when he lost his legs during a protest against a shipment of weapons, it only strengthened his resolve.  It was his way of dealing with what he experienced at war…and now thousands of new veterans are trying to find their way.  On this edition, two generations of veterans cope with PTSD—looking to heal themselves and the world.


S. Brian Willson, author and Vietnam veteran; Drew Cameron, Iraq war veteran, and contributor to Warrior Writers: Move, Shoot and Communicate;  Matt Fuller, Afghanistan war veteran; Carolin Kunze, Matt Fuller’s fiance.




For More Information:

S. Brian Willson
Drew Cameron
Warrior Writers: Move, Shoot and Communicate
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Veterans for Peace
The Peoples Republic of Paper
The Beat Museum
KPFA Radio – Berkeley, CA
Crosscurrents from KALW News
Courage To Resist
Scorched Earth: Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam (book)
Agent Orange Legacy (photos)



‘Ramshackle’ by Beck
‘Dance of the Seahorse’ by Gideon Freudmann

Author: FoC Media

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