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Cornel West, Paul Mason and Laura Flanders on Redefining Solidarity


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Cornel West at Left Forum. Photo credit:

We are witnessing a pivotal time in history. People are unifying in ways never before seen – from the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia to Madison, Wisconsin – solidarity is evident. But solidarity is shifting both in our understanding and the mediums of which it is expressed. On this edition, we go to Left Forum, one of the largest annual gatherings of progressive thinkers. This year’s theme, ‘Towards a Political Struggle,’ explores solidarity amidst a vast political changing climate and new technology.


Laura Flanders, author, host and founder of Grit TV, Paul Mason, Economics Editor for BBC’s Newsnight and author of Live Working, Die Fighting, Cornel West, author of numerous books and professor at the Center for African American Studies and Department of Religion at Princeton University.

For More Information:

Left Forum
Cornel West
Laura Flanders
Paul Mason
Barbara Ehrenreich
World Social Forum 2011
Brecht Forum
Paul Mason, Left Forum: 2011 Opening Plenary
Cornel West, Left Forum: 2011 Opening Plenary
Laura Flanders, Left Forum: 2011 Opening Plenary

Articles and Books:
The new solidarity Series, The Guardian
BBC NEWS -Idyl Scrawl, Paul Mason’s Blog
Where Liberals Go To Feel Good, Chris Hedges
Reclaiming the Politics of Freedom, The Nation
Plutocracy Now: What Wisconsin Is Really About, Mother Jones
What’s left of the American left?, by Richard Wolff
Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path toward Social Justice, by Bill Fletcher Jr. & Fernando Gapasin


Adele, 21, Turning Tables
Stax: The Soul of Hip Hop, Hung Up On My Baby – Isaac Hayes

Author: FoC Media

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