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WikiLeaks, Free Speech & the Future of the Internet


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Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks Source:

The controversy over WikiLeaks has deep implications for the future of free speech in the Internet era. Beyond journalistic and national security issues that stem from the website, other concerns need to be considered as well.

On this edition, we take you to a panel discussion focused on the importance of WikiLeaks within a legal, business and technology framework. Does the public have the right to know the secrets of its government? Should private companies keep commercial interests ahead of public interest? What role does the Internet hold for whistleblowers?

Special thanks to the Real News Network


Daniel Ellsburg, former State and Defense Department official prosecuted for releasing the Pentagon Papers; Clay Shirky, independent Internet professional and Adjunct Professor, Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University; Roy Singham, Founder and Chairman of ThoughtWorks; Peter Thiel, President of Clarium Capital and Managing Partner of Founder’s Fund; Jonathon Zittrain, Law and Computer Science Professor at Harvard University, Co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society; Paul Jay, CEO and Senior Editor of the Real News Network.

For more information:

Berkman Center for Internet & Society

Bradley Manning Support Network

Center for Democracy and Technology

Daniel Ellsberg’s website

Jonathon Zittrain’s Future of the Internet

The Real News Network


Author: FoC Media

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