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Obamas New Immigration Policy Forces Massive Layoff at American Apparel

Instead of facing huge fines for employing undocumented workers, American Apparel laid of its immigrant workforce. On the surface, this might seem like a more humane approach. In a collaboration with Spot.Us Patrick Burke reports from L.A.; where for the community at large, the result may not be that much different from the Bush-era raids.


‘Hyde-ing’ the Right to Choose

Stupak, the Hyde Amendment, and religion. We take a look at some of the threats to abortion access, more than thirty-five years after Roe V. Wade legalized a woman’s right to have an abortion.


Women Rising XX:
Leaders Struggling with War

In this program, we profile two government leaders tackling the monumental problem of war –– Gambia’s Fatou Bensouda, Deputy Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court and retired Colonel Ann Wright, a former United States military leader and diplomat for the State Department.


Burning Man’s ‘Gift Economy’

No commerce is allowed at Burning Man. It’s one of the most unusual economic structures in the world–a ‘gift economy’. Making Contact producer Andrew Stelzer’s been there, and sat down with Larry Harvey, the festival’s founder, to find out how it all works.


How We Survive: The Currency of Giving

A look into how struggling communities around the U.S. are meeting each others’ needs, without charity, or even exchanging a dollar.
