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Venezuela: Is the Bolivarian Revolution Working?


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Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez at rally

Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez at rally

Venezuela is undergoing a modern day revolution. Workers, small farmers and the poor consistently vote for socialist President Hugo Chavez. Economically better-off citizens denounce the president as a communist who is destroying the country, but even some on the left criticize Chavez.

On this edition, independent producer Reese Erlich explores the controversy. He takes us from the high rise office buildings to the poor barrios of Caracas to hear sharply different viewpoints.

Special thanks to Reese Erlich for producing this show and to Patrick Leet and Jennifer Martinez for translations.


Christina Gonzalez, domestic worker, supports Chavez; Dario Vivas, top leader of Chavez’s United Socialist Party & National Assembly member; Pablo Medina, former parliament leader & current opposition National Assembly candidate; Mirna Sevena, union member opposed to Chavez; Carlos Eduardo, works in public relations & opposed to Chavez; Eva Golinger, book author & El Correo del Orinoco International editor; Maria Helena Garcia, ‘Marta Harnecker Integrated Diagnostic Center’ patient; Delicia Abroacho, Day laborer; Rafael Enrique-Beroes, self-described opposition political activist; Jose Guerra, Central University of Venezuela Economics Department Chair; Mari Sarmiento, Social worker; Oswaldo Graziani, El Chiguire Bipolar website co-founder; Alberto Avila, runs government-funded InfoCenter; Jaime Nestares, Radio Caracas general manager; Willian Alvarado, ‘Dame pa Matala’ lead singer and guitar player; Juan Ravel, runs an opposition website.


Activist Speaks about Women in Venezuela at the USSF

Jayariyú Farias Montiel, Venezuelan indigenous health organizer and media activist speaks about changes in legislation and behavior regarding violence against women in her country. She speaks at the 2010 US Social Forum in Detroit.

For more information:

Venezuela Speaks! Voices from the Grassroots


Correo del Orinoco

Dame pa Matala

El Chiguire Bipolar Spanish website


Tu Crea
El Nino de Hot en Dia
En Favor de Paz
…by Dame pa Matala

Author: FoC Media

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