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Color Lines: Race and Economic Recovery


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Scenes from the ColorLines TV special "Race and the Economic Recovery."

Social programs have been cut, living wage jobs are scarce and our economic system is in upheaval.  While the White House claims its stimulus package is working, the question remains, is it working for all Americans?

On this edition we bring you the audio version of Link TV and Applied Research Center’s video, ‘Color Lines: Race and Economic Recovery’. Hear the untold stories of how racism hurts all of our economic futures.  The documentary also examines how the current recession and time limits on welfare are affecting women of color.  It’s hosted by Chris Rabb, author of the soon-to-be released book, ‘Invisible Capital.’


Tisha, 29-year old African-American woman and mother of three; Jane MacNichol, Legal Assistance Resource Center of Connecticut Executive Director; Vijay Prashad, Trinity College Professor in Hartford, CT; Steve Thornton, SEIU 1199, VP and Education Director; Tram Nguyen, California Reinvestment Coalition Media Coordinator; Eric Mar, SF Board of Supervisors; Manuel Hernandez, S.C.O.P.E. Los Angeles community organizer; Elsa Barboza, S.C.O.P.E. Los Angeles Campaign Director; Herb Wesson, Los Angeles City Council; Kevin Norton, I.B.E.W. Local 11; Dr. Manuel Pastor, USC; Art Shanks, Cypress Mandela Training Center; Dorothy Morris, Cypress Mandela Training Center student; Ron Dellums, Oakland, CA Mayor; John Tafoya, Cypress Mandela Training Center graduate; Erika Artis Cruz, Green Jobs Training graduate.

This audio was repurposed from Link TV and Applied Research Center’s video: ‘Color Lines: Race and Economic Recovery’.

For more information:

A Blog by Chris Rabb

Applied Research Center (Public Policy, Research, ColorLines)
Oakland, CA

California Reinvestment Coalition
San Francisco, CA


Cypress Mandela Training Center
Oakland, CA

Green for All
Oakland, CA

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 11
Pasadena, CA


Legal Assistance Resource Center of Connecticut
Hartford, CT

Los Angeles City Council
Los Angeles, CA

Oakland Green Jobs Corp (Ella Baker Center Initiative)
Oakland, CA

Oakland Mayor’s Office
Oakland, CA

San Francisco Board of Supervisors
San Francisco, CA

S.C.O.P.E. Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA

SEIU Health Care 1199NE
Hartford, CT

Trinity College
Hartford, CT

Articles, Blogs, Films, Reports, Other

Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity
A book by Chris Rabb

‘Color Lines: Race and Economic Recovery’ credits:

Chris Rabb, Host
Tram Nguyen, California Reinvestment Coalition Media Coordinator
Erica Marcus, Executive Producer
Tammy Johnson, Merin Mathew, Noel Rabinowitz, Co-Producers
Michael Smith, Director
Kevin Mazzier, Director of Photography
Caio Simbula, Camera 2
Channing Kennedy, Camera 3
Stephanie Cardenas, Makeup
Shayla Durrett, Teleprompter Operator
Wanjiru Kamau, Production Assistant

Tammy Johnson, Noel Rabinowitz & Seth Wessler, Co-Producers
Channing Kennedy, Editor
Rafael Delauz, Director of Photography
Seth Wessler, Field Producer
Noel Rabinowitz, Music Soundtrack Editor
Music by Quinn Raymond
Additional Music by Juba Kalamka and Randy Green

Tammy Johnson & Noel Rabinowitz, Co-Producers
Channing Kennedy, Editor
Jorge Rivas, Director of Photography
Laura Merians, Lighting Designer

Tammy Johnson, Field Producer
Channing Kennedy, Camera
Yvonne Liu & Christina Chen, Assistant Producers
Yvonne Liu, Story Consultant
Simone Andrews, Assistant Producer
Music by Quinn Raymond

Merin Mathew, Field Producer
Kevin Mazzier, Camera
Manfred Lee, Grip


Theme Music by Juba Kalamka
Writing by Chris Rabb, Tammy Johnson, Noel Rabinowitz & Channing Kennedy
Research assistance provided by the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute
Special thanks to SCOPE LA
Major Funding provided by the Akonadi Foundation

Author: FoC Media

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