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Beyond Wheeler:
UC Voices for Education as a Public Good


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outside wheeler hall

People outside UC Berkeley's Wheeler Hall while it was occupied by 43 students opposed to what they call a privatization of the UC system. Source:

The University of California system is known around the world as one of the most successful models of publicly-funded higher education. In 1960, UC President Clark Kerr spearheaded the groundbreaking California Master Plan for Higher Education, seeking to make a quality education accessible to all. Yet some 50 years later, some say the foundation of public education is being dismantled through fee hikes and corporate funding.  Making Contact’s Pauline Bartolone has more about folks at UC Berkeley who are standing in the way of privatizing what was meant to be a public.

Some audio in this segment was excerpted from the film “Occupied Berkeley: The Taking of Wheeler Hall” produced by David Martinez and Brandon Jourdon.

Author: FoC Media

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