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A Chronology of Capitalism [encore]


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Top: Steve Williams, co-founder of POWER.  Bottom: Stanley Aronowitz, Professor, City University of New York  <br>Sources:

Top: Steve Williams, co-founder of POWER. Bottom: Stanley Aronowitz, Professor, City University of New York Sources:

It’s a time of economic transition, and systems that may have seemed stable over the past few decades are proving to be far from it. But how did we get here? And how can we learn from the past, to build a more fair and just system in the future? While many politicians and pundits claim that no one saw the current economic collapse coming, in fact, we had plenty of warning, depending on who we listened to. This week, we hear from three people who’ve been sounding the alarm about capitalism’s house of cards for years, and in some cases, decades.


Steve Williams, POWER: People Organized to Win Employment Rights co-director and co-founder; Rick Wolff, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Economics Professor and author; Stanley Aronowitz, City University of NY Graduate Center Sociology & Urban Education Professor and author.

This program was co-produced by Megan Martenyi as part of Making Contact’s internship program.

For more information:

Stanley Aronowitz

Left Forum

People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER)

University of Massachusetts-Amherst Department of Economics

Additional Information:

Building Bridges Radio: Your Community and Labor Report

“Capitalism Hits the Fan” by Richard Wolff
A 57-minute video on the economic meltdown
Produced by the Media Education Foundation: Documentary Films

WBAI, 99.5 FM


“Martin Fierro,” by Juana Molina
“Fall in Love,” by Flying Lotus
“Rich Get Richer,” by The O’Jays

Author: FoC Media

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