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Obamas New Immigration Policy Forces Massive Layoff at American Apparel


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Noami Perez, former American Apparel worker who was fired because of her immigration status.

Noami Perez, former American Apparel worker who was fired because of her immigration status. Credit: Patrick Burke

by Patrick Burke

In September 2009, we began to see what President Obama’s immigration policy would look like. It played out in Los Angeles after American Apparel, a US based clothing company, laid off more than sixteen hundred workers. Instead of facing huge fines for employing undocumented workers, American Apparel laid of its immigrant workforce. On the surface, this might seem like a more humane approach. In a collaboration with Spot.Us Patrick Burke reports from L.A.; where for the community at large, the result may not be that much different from the Bush-era raids.

Author: FoC Media

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