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Many Voices for a Single-Payer System


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From top: Advocates for single-payer health care crowd a Senate Finance Committee hearing on health care; a single-payer activist demands representation; Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee.  Sources: from top:; youtube; C-SPAN footage.

From top: Advocates for single-payer health care crowd a Senate Finance Committee hearing on health care; a single-payer activist demands representation; Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), chair of the Senate Finance Committee. Sources: from top:; youtube; C-SPAN footage.

Right now in Washington, Congress is debating an overhaul of the U.S. health care system. No one disagrees that change is needed. Costs are skyrocketing, and the number of uninsured remains alarming. And yet modifying the current employment-based health insurance system is still being served up as a central solution. What’s not on the table is a single-payer system.

On this edition, we’ll hear from physicians and others who are taking a stand for a national health care plan for all. They say a public plan that cuts out for-profit insurers is the only thing that can save a system on life-support.


Single-payer protestors at Senate Finance Committee meetings; Michael Lighty, California Nurses Association; Oliver Fein, Physicians National Health Program president; U.S. Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.).

For More Information:

California Nurses Association (CNA)

Physicians for a National Health Program

Additional Information:

Health Care-NOW!

Labor Campaign for Single Payer Health Care

Single Payer Action

U.S. Congressman John Conyers

U.S. Senator Max Baucus

Blogs, Articles, Links:

Cover the Uninsured

Fairness in Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR): “Include Single-Payer in Healthcare Debate” petition

Race, Ethnicity, Heath Care –– The Basics

Race Wire, The Colorlines Blog: “Public Health Insurance is Not a Bargaining Chip” by Jorge Rivas

YES! Magazine: Health Care Blog

YES! Magazine: Health Care For All –– A great 2006 quick resource guide to health care groups

YES! Magazine: Health Care Options at a Glance (from single payer to buy-in option)

Featuring music by:

Stars of the Lid

Author: FoC Media

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