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Invaders From Another Ecosystem

On this edition, U.C. Berkeley Journalism student producer Eric Simons takes a closer look at the control of one of San Francisco Bay’s invaders from another ecosystem, by visiting the wetlands around the San Francisco Bay, where scientists are waging a scorched-marsh campaign against a devastating kind of East Coast grass.


Resisting Illegitimate Authority in Today’s Political Context

On this edition, we’ll hear excerpts from the panelists that participated in the forum, “Resisting Illegitimate Authority in Today’s Political Context” discussing examples and strategies of resistance.


Beyond Bars: Community Resistance to Prison Expansion (encore edition)

On this edition, Dr. Gilmore, a key figure in the grassroots movement fighting prison expansion in California, extracts lessons from more than two decades of on-the-ground community organizing against what has been termed the “biggest prison building project in the history of world.”
