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Immigration Nightmares: From Raids to Deportations


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Detention Center. Source:

Detention Center. Source:

More than 10-million people live in the U.S. without legal immigration status. The reasons they are here are as varied and complex as our current U.S. immigration policy. But most will agree… immigrants risk their lives crossing borders to come to the U.S. hoping to create a better future for themselves and their loved ones back home. Yet these undocumented workers live in constant fear of being arrested, jailed and deported. Why is it this way?

On this edition, we’ll follow the trail from ICE raids in New York City, to a detention center in Texas, and finally, deportation to Tijuana, Mexico.


Arnoldo Garcia, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights Immigrant Justice and Rights program director; Micaela Saucedo, Casa Refugio Elvira director; Marta Chavez, Mexican immigrant; Oscar, Honduran migrant worker; Meredith Linsky, immigration lawyer; Luissana Santibañez, community organizer; Keith, New York resident and former detainee.

Executive Producer/Host: Tena Rubio
Contributing Producers: Matthew Gossage, Abdulai Bah and the Community News Production Institute
Producer and Associate Producer: Andrew Stelzer and Puck Lo
Intern: Elena Botkin-Levy
Executive Director: Lisa Rudman

Special thanks to Yaya Ruiz – who provided invaluably to this report.

For more information:

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights – Oakland, CA

Casa Refugio Elvira – Tijuana B.C., Mexico

National Immigration Project – Boston, MA

Community News Production Institute – New York, NY

Grassroots Leadership – Austin, TX

La Posada Shelter – San Benito, TX

Detention Watch Network – Washington, DC

Families for Freedom – New York, NY

T. Don Hutto Information Page

Texas Prison Bid’ness

Author: FoC Media

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